EmpowerApps Podcast
episode 196

Swift on Android with Marc Prud'hommeaux
Feb 12, 2025

Feb 12, 2025
Marc Prud'hommeaux explains how you can get started building Android apps in Swift, what's the future of the Swift on Android working group, and what's FOSDEM.
Moving Forward 2025
Jan 24, 2025What a wild ride 2024 was - from big life changes to surprising shifts in Apple development, I'm sharing the story of what went down this year. After navigating job hunts, tech trends, and some unexpected wins (and losses), I've got some insights about where we're headed in 2025, plus some exciting opportunities for you Swift folks! -
Fear of the Main Thread with Matt Masicotte
Dec 31, 2024Matt Masicotte comes on the show to clear up all our misconceptions about concurrency in Swift 6. 😑 -
Practical Year - Part 2 with Donny Wals
Dec 24, 2024Part 2 of our chat with Donny - we discuss the job market, AI, Vision Pro, and of course Swift UI. -
Practical Year - Part 1 with Donny Wals
Dec 19, 2024Donny comes on yet again to give his thoughts on 2024 - Swift Data, Swift Testing and Swift Macros while we mourn the death of Combine. -
Swift, Server Side, Serverless with Sébastien Stormacq
Dec 2, 2024Sébastien Stormacq joins us to talk about AWS Lambda and Swift - what does "Serverless" mean, how deployment works, and how to get started. -
Swift Toolkit with Natan Rolnik
Nov 22, 2024Natan Rolnik from swifttoolkit.dev and I chatted about building tools in Swift, ArgumentParser, Swift Package Manager, and more. -
Full Stack Lyriq with Adegboyega Olusunmade
Nov 15, 2024Adegboyega Olusunmade joins to talk about building his Full Stack Swift app Lyriq and what did he learn along the way: the differences between building an iOS app and a server app to deploying a server application. -
Ludicrous Types with Nick Lockwood
Nov 8, 2024Nick Lockwood of SwiftFormat (not dash) joins the show to talk about the server side Swift conference, quirks of Swift you didn't know about, language design, and the future of Swift. -
Debugging Your Job Search with Jaim Zuber
Nov 1, 2024Jaim Zuber returns after over 5 years to give us an overview of looking for a job in iOS development in 2024, how has it changed, what are some things you can do now, and when becoming a manager is the right call. -
The Great SwiftUI Migration - Part 2 with Ben Scheirman
Sep 30, 2024Ben Scheirman is back for part 2 of our interview on SwiftUI Migration. In this episode we focus on navigation, data handling and Swift packages. -
The Great SwiftUI Migration - Part 1 with Ben Scheirman
Sep 24, 2024Ben Scheirman of NSScreenCast comes on to talk about migrating apps such as a Nike's Sneakers app from UIKit to SwiftUI and all the little things you don't think about. This is part 1 of a 2 part interview. -
The Case of the Crimson Test Suite with Daniel Steinberg
Sep 10, 2024Daniel Steinberg comes in the podcast to talk about his latest book on Swift Testing as well as the state of Swift development in 2024. -
Voice in a Can with Damian Mehers
Sep 3, 2024Damian Mehers shares the story of his app Voice in a Can from inception to shutdown. We talk customer stories and the future of voice assistants. -
SwiftUI Field Guide with Chris Eidhof
Jul 18, 2024I had a great time chatting with Chris Eidhof about his work with objc.io and his latest project, the SwiftUI Field Guide. We discussed SwiftUI's layout system and the exciting new features from WWDC 2024. -
Can you Vision Pro in Objective-C with Danielle Lewis
Jul 12, 2024I had great time chatting with Danielle Lewis about her experience becoming a Swift developer, learning to develop for the Vision Pro, and getting the Magical world of Objective-C. -
Swift Student Challenge with Dezmond Blair
Jul 5, 2024I'm excited to have on the show Michigan's own Swift Student Challenge Distinguished Winner Dezmond Blair on to talk about everything from his learning and mentoring experience at the Apple Developer Academy to his experience at WWDC 2024. -
WWDC Notes with Cihat Gündüz
Jun 30, 2024Cihat Gündüz comes on to talk about how his WWDC 2024 wish list went, Multilingual Apps, and more. -
SOTU 2024 with Peter Witham
Jun 11, 2024Peter comes on and we use our Apple Intelligence to speak about the greatness of the WWDC 2024 Platforms State of the Union. -
Plinky with Joe Fabisevich
May 20, 2024Joe Fabisevich is back on the show to talk about his new app Plinky from developing and designing as well as advice on 💍 choosing your next spouse for better marketing advice. 💒📈 -
Hacking with Ignite with Paul Hudson
Apr 3, 2024After a major pandemic and 3 iOS releases later, Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift comes on to talk about his new open-source project Ignite. Ignite is a static site builder for Swift developers, offering an expressive, powerful API to build beautiful websites that work great on all devices. We chat about his use Result Builders, the future of Macros, and what it takes to get started on your own open-source project or website. -
SwiftUI Tips and Tricks with Craig Clayton
Mar 22, 2024Craig Clayton from the DesignToSwiftUI Youtube channel comes on to talk about his favorite tips as as designer when it comes to SwiftUI as well as previews his upcoming talk on testing at Deep Dish Swift. -
Triple Glazed Apple Development with Malin Sundberg and Kai Dombrowski
Mar 8, 2024Malin and Kai from Triple Glazed Studios join us for a discussion on building their indie app Orbit and Mercury from prototype to feature enhancement and working in the Apple ecosystem. -
What's Next with Adam Rush
Feb 22, 2024Adam Rush from SwiftLeeds comes on the show to prognosticate and dream with me the possibilities of WWDC 2024 and how advancements in AI as well as the new Vision Pro will affect this year's developer conference. -
Apple's App Vision with Kyle Lee
Feb 8, 2024Kyle Lee (Kilo Loco) comes on to talk about the EU changes to the App Store, the future of Apps and Apple, and what it means for the Vision Pro. -
ChatGPTovski with Kris Slazinski
Jan 28, 2024Indie Developer, Kris Slazinski comes on to talk about App Store localization, UX, and his favorite intern/mentor - ChatGPT. -
PixelBlitz in Public with Martin Lasek
Jan 15, 2024Martin Lasek comes on to talk about what's it's like building in public WishKit and his multiplayer game PixelBlitz and when feature creep can ruin an MVP. -
The Bushel Holiday Special
Dec 15, 2023Join us by the virtual fireplace this Christmas Eve for 'The Bushel Holiday Special' podcast episode! Unwrap the enchanting tale of Bushel's journey, filled with the warmth of festive storytelling and the magic of app development. Gather 'round for a holiday story like no other! 🎄🎁 -
We Have All The Heroes with Stefano Mondino
Dec 8, 2023Stefano Mondino from Synesthesia comes on to talk doing <strong>not </strong>product work at Synesthesia as opposed to building a product and working with multiple projects across various teams. We also talk about his favorite dev tools including his own tool Murray. -
Calm Intentions with Alaina Kafkes
Dec 3, 2023Alaina Kafkes from Calm joins us to talk about implementing App Intents and what she learning about her experience. Also special announcement regarding a certain app I've been working on. -
Empowering Accessibility with Via Fairchild
Nov 19, 2023Via Fairchild comes on the show to talk about accessibility, UI Kit, Swift UI and how it all brings your app to a wider more diverse audience. -
Learning Judo with Sean Rucker
Nov 4, 2023Sean Rucker from Judo comes on to talk about their product and what they learned in the process of building Judo in dealing with SwiftUI. -
The Making of Callsheet with Casey Liss
Oct 16, 2023Casey Liss comes on to talk about his new app Callsheet, working with Movie and TV APIs, old TV hardware companies, and enjoying App Review on the beach. -
Swiftly Tooling with Pol Piella Abadia
Oct 2, 2023Pol Piella Abadia comes on to talk about what's new in Xcode 15 as well as the landscape of CI tools out there. We aslo geek out about SwiftUI on the terminal and how Pol has helped production of the show. -
Building a Video SDK with Marc Schwieterman
Sep 18, 2023Marc Schwieterman from daily.co joins us to talk about the in and outs of building a video SDK and what capabilities are for iOS. -
Action Button for Ring Tones with Evan Stone
Sep 13, 2023It's September Time! You know what that means. Evan Stone joins us to talk about the different ways we can spend money as well as his adventures at Apple's Vision Pro Labs. -
Revisiting Third-Party APIs with Christian Selig
Aug 27, 2023A lot has changed since the last time Christian Selig was on the show. We talk Apollo post-morten, Third-Party APIs and of course Pixel Pals! -
It Depends with Brandon Williams
Aug 9, 2023Brandon Williams from Point-Free comes on to talk about what dependencies are and managing then whether in testing or dealing with scaling. -
Edge of Concurrency with Matt Massicotte
Aug 4, 2023Matt Massicotte from Chime talks about the challenges he faced migrating the Async/Await and some misconceptions folks might have with asynchronous programming. -
Swift Server Workgroup with Joannis Orlandos
Jul 30, 2023Joannis Orlandos comes on to talk about the exciting work being done by the Swift Server Workground such as the new HTTP Types, Open API Kit, and Distributed Actors as well as the effects Macros will have on server-side development. -
Now You Know What I'm Doing This Summer
Jul 25, 2023In this episode, Leo goes over what he's working on this Summer of WWDC 2023 such as deep diving into watchOS 10 for Heartwitch, migrating from Combine to Observation in Bushel, and really taking advantage of a microapps architecture. -
macOS Indie Deep Cuts with Aaron Vegh
Jul 14, 2023Aaron Vegh, indie macOS developer comes on to talk about building Quantum Author, a long-form writing app. We talk about how he decides what UI SDK to use, how to make money, and what the Vision Pro means for AppKit and the iPad. -
Supercharged with Pedro Piñera
Jun 30, 2023Pedro Piñera of Tuist comes on to talk about his work on Tuist, thoughts on Mergable Libraries, Server-Side Swift, SwiftData, and the future of Tuist Cloud. -
Arm Sling for Apple Watch Developers with Hidde van der Ploeg
Jun 24, 2023Hidde van der Ploeg comes on to talk about all the big updates coming to watchOS 10 such as new UIs, better developer experience, and more. -
Spatial Experiences of the Wild with Adrian Eves
Jun 19, 2023Adrian Eves tells us about what it was like meeting folks at WWDC and what it was like watching some his work and his colleagues' work come to fruition. -
Platforms State of Union 2023 with Peter Witham
Jun 6, 2023Peter comes on for our annual discussion of the WWDC 2023 Platforms State of the Union including Macs, Macros, Swift Data, watchOS, and the other thing 🥽. -
My Taylor Deep Dish Swift Heroes World Tour
May 13, 2023For the 150th episode, Leo talks about his travels to Deep Dish Swift and Swift Heroes, his experience speaking at Swift Heroes, his thoughts on 32 talks, and what concerns he heard from other developers overall and concerning WWDC 2023. -
How to WWDC with Peter Witham
May 1, 2023Peter comes on to discuss how to prepare for WWDC, what to really do that week, and what to focus on during the summer. -
Pizza, Playpen, and Fastlane Funding with Josh Holtz
Apr 17, 2023Josh Holtz comes on to talk about a certain conference in a few weeks, the future of Fastlane, building kids apps with guided access and learning the other mobile programming language. -
Going Pro with Sean Allen
Apr 4, 2023Sean Allen joins the podcast to talk about what it means to be a pro developer, how to manage your career, and how to use social media to your benefit. -
Apples, Glasses, and HAL, Oh My!
Apr 1, 2023In this episode, we explore the exciting and rapidly changing landscape of iOS development, as we discuss the potential impact of AI, machine learning, and AR glasses on the future of mobile apps. We also make predictions about what Apple might unveil at WWDC 2023, and speculate about the secret plans they may have in store. With a mix of humor, quirkiness, and expert analysis, this podcast episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the latest trends and developments in iOS app development. -
Reality and Architecture with Mohammad Azam
Mar 21, 2023Mohammad Azam (aka Azam Sharp) talks about RealityKit and how to get started as well as his recent article exporting large-scale SwiftUI app development. -
Yak Shaving with Tim Mitra
Mar 7, 2023Tim Mitra comes on to talk about the some skills which are helpful for large teams, also how to gauge Apple's rumors and of course yak shaving. -
dataTile for Simulator with Marin Todorov
Feb 21, 2023Marin Todorov joins us to talk about his app dataTile for Simulator: how it uses logs to help developers, getting help from Apple, and his experience with SwiftUI on macOS. -
Mobile System Design with Tjeerd in 't Veen
Feb 7, 2023Tjeerd in ’t Veen comes on to talk about asking the right questions for requirements, interviews, testing, and keeping teams in sync. -
Swift Package Index with Dave Verwer and Sven Schmidt
Jan 24, 2023Dave Verwer and Sven A. Schmidt come on the show to talk about their work with the Swift Package Index. They talk about the improvements to DocC publishing, plugin support and search improvements as well as their plans for the next year. -
A Swiftly Year in Review with Antoine van der Lee
Jan 11, 2023Antoine van der Lee joins the show again to talk about everything 2022 in the world of Swift like Async/Await, Existential vs Opaque types, Conferences, as well as his apps like RocketSim and Stock Analyzer. We also get into predictions and hopes for 2023. -
Elephant in the Room
Dec 29, 2022For the last episode of the year, Leo gives a summary of his year and how it went mostly for him professionally but also personally. He answers questions about architecture, what he's working, and most importantly what are the plans for 2023. -
App Clips with Jon Bauer
Dec 20, 2022Jon Bauer comes on to talk about why some apps should have App Clips and how to implement them. -
Humane Development with Jill Scott
Dec 4, 2022In this episode, Jill Scott comes on to talk about how to help your team build easily maintainable code for future developers and how cognitive overload can impair your developers. -
Posture Island with Jordi Bruin
Nov 21, 2022Jordi Bruin, Indie developer of Vivid and Posture Plan comes on to talk about how Posture Pal works, how he comes up with his ideas and what the Dynamic Island could bring to apps. -
Behind the Scenes of SwiftUI with Aviel Gross
Nov 7, 2022Aviel Gross talks about how to improve performance in your SwiftUI and what happens behind the scenes as your application updates. -
Impactful Development with Maxim Cramer
Oct 22, 2022Maxim Cramer comes on the program to explain Impactful Development and how developers can help clients and founders get what they are looking for in their product. -
The Composable Architecture with Zev Eisenberg
Oct 8, 2022Zev Eisenberg, iOS developer at the New York Times, comes on to talk about his experience adopting The Composable Architecture (aka TCA) in their upcoming app “NYT Kids How To”. -
Open and Extensible with Matt Massicotte
Sep 25, 2022Matt Massicotte comes on the program to talk about the development of his app Chime and how he's using the new framework ExtensionKit along with Open-Source to be an extensible macOS app. -
Dynamic Island with Steve Lipton
Sep 11, 2022Steve Lipton comes on to lament the end of 360iDev, while Leo celebrates the September Apple Event on his Dynamic Island. -
macOS by Tutorials with Sarah Reichelt
Sep 4, 2022Leo is joined by Sarah Reichelt to talk about her new book "macOS by Tutorials", SwiftUI on the Mac, recent design changes on macOS, differences with iOS development, Electron and macOS development in general. -
NSSpain X with Luis Ascorbe
Jul 13, 2022Luis Ascorbe, organizer of NSSpain, talks about the 10th year of the conference and going back in person after two years. We also talk more about the advances in SwiftUI this year from WWDC and especially the new NavigationStack API. -
Coffee Chats with Danijela Vrzan
Jul 6, 2022Danijela Vrzan, iOS developer at Gamesys and author at Ray Wenderlich, comes on the podcast to talk about the importance of meeting with people 1-on-1 and about her experience meeting with folks at WWDC this year. -
Backend Decisions with Mikaela Caron
Jun 28, 2022Mikaela Caron is back and this time we are discussing the backend options iOS developers have and how to make those decisions as well as the exciting post-WWDC news regarding apps which use iCloud and CloudKit. -
Developer Productivity with Rudrank Riyam
Jun 22, 2022Rudrank Riyam joins the show to talk about how to be a more productive developer and be faster at what you do. We also chat about the improvements made in Xcode 14 and how that affects your developer productivity. -
WWDC 2022 - SwiftUI and UIKit with Evan Stone
Jun 15, 2022Evan Stone of iOS Dev Break joins the podcast to talk about all the new stuff in SwiftUI and UIKit from this year's WWDC 2022. He also talks about Swift Remote Studio and his experience from start to finish. -
WWDC 2022 - Platforms State of the Union with Peter Witham
Jun 8, 2022Peter comes on for his semi-annual appearance to chat about WWDC 2022 and the Platforms State of the Union. We chat about Xcode Cloud, SwiftUI, Server APIs, new Swift languages features and more. Be sure to listen to our chat on the Keynote at CompileSwift for the first part of this discussion. -
Microapps Architecture with Majid Jabrayilov
Jun 1, 2022Majid Jabrayilov comes back on to talk about the idea of Microapps Architecture and how it works to help make your app more manageable for testing and building... also some WWDC 2022 talk of course. -
Apple Developer Academy with Sarah Gretter, PhD
May 19, 2022Leo talks with Sarah Gretter, Director of the Apple Developer Academy - MSU Detroit about what the Apple Developer Academy does and how it prepares students for the real world of iOS app development. -
Server-Driven UI with Mohammad Azam
May 1, 2022Mohammad Azam (aka @azamsharp) to talk about creating a cross-platform app using Server-Driven UI: what it is, where it makes sense to use it, and how to get started with a new app or migrating an old one. -
Xcode Tips with Dominik Hauser
Apr 18, 2022Dominik Hauser of Xcode.tips comes on to talk about the development tool we all use Xcode and the gives us a few tips on how to improve our use of it. -
Swift Package Manager Super Powers with Marco Eidinger
Apr 5, 2022Leo is joined by Marco Eidinger, Swift iOS SDK architect at SAP. We talk about some of the challenges and tips for working with Swift Package Manager in Xcode and with SwiftUI. -
Tracking and Performance with Philipp Hofmann
Mar 23, 2022In this episode, Leo is joined by Philipp Hofmann from sentry.io to talk about error, bug and performance tracking in your app and how to respond to your customers' issues. -
Empower Station with Matt Braun
Mar 9, 2022In the latest episode, Leo is joined by Matt Braun, developer of SketchParty TV, an app for the iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. We talk about the exciting news from the March 2022 Apple Event and what Leo may have purchased. We also discuss Matt's experience building an app for the Apple TV. -
Indie Dev #5 - Knowing Your Market with David Barnard
Feb 25, 2022In this last Indie Dev episode of 2022, Leo is joined by David Barnard, developer advocate at RevenueCat, podcast host of SubClubHQ, and founder of Contrast about his experience with different app markets and the future of the App Store. -
Indie Dev #4 - Making an App Best-in-Class with Jordan Morgan
Feb 12, 2022In the fourth episode of our series on indie development, we chatted with Jordan Morgan about building and selling SpendStack as well as his new book series "A Best-in-Class iOS App". -
Indie Dev #3 - Focused Work with Michael Tigas
Jan 30, 2022In the third episode of our series on indie development, we chat with Michael Tigas, indie dev behind Focused Work and Ochi. -
Indie Dev #2 - Tasks by Mustafa Yusuf
Jan 17, 2022In the second episode of our series on indie development, we chat with Mustafa Yusuf, indie dev behind Tasks. -
Indie Dev #1 - Dark Noise by Charlie Chapman
Jan 4, 2022In the first episode of our series on indie development, we chat with Charlie Chapman, indie dev behind Dark Noise and host of Launched.fm. -
2021 - Year in Review with Peter Witham
Dec 21, 2021Peter Witham joins the show nearly 6 months after he was last on to talk about 2021 in the Swift and Apple space. Did WWDC and the new OSes meet expectations? What's the future of iPadOS? Where are the pain points with SwiftUI? What is the future for devs in the space as pressure mounts on Apple from outside governments and court cases? -
Connecting Wirelessly with Gui Rambo
Dec 7, 2021Leo is joined again by Gui Rambo, one half of the Stacktrace podcast and developer, about his experience developing AirBuddy, a powerful Mac app for AirPods users. Specifically we talk about the Bluetooth API, Multipeer Connectivity, the Nearby Interaction API as well as our issues with AirPods today. -
Objective-C Today with Graham Lee
Nov 23, 2021In this episode, Leo invites Graham Lee, Senior Research Software Engineer at the University of Oxford, who's been writing Objective-C for over 20 years and brings his experience to talk about what Swift developers should know about Objective-C and how the language works. -
What is Firebase with Peter Friese
Nov 9, 2021In this episode, Leo chats with Peter Friese about everything Firebase. We talk the variety of services, how to query Firestore properly, doing security right, ananymous authentication, SwiftUI, GCP and Swift, and more... -
Expert Swift with Shai Mishali
Oct 26, 2021'In this episode, Leo is joined by Shai Mishali to chat about the new -
Mac Dev in 2021 with Daniel Jalkut
Oct 12, 2021In this episode, Leo chats with Daniel Jalkut again. They cover the September Apple Event, SwiftUI on the Mac, migrating from Objective-C, AppleScript vs Shortcuts and more. -
Navigating DocC with Ellen Shapiro
Sep 28, 2021In this episode, Leo chats with Ellen Shapiro of Apollo GraphQL about DocC how to get started, how to do Tutorials and Articles, where it falls short, and what open-sourcing might mean. Also there was an Apple event or something? -
In-App Purchases and the StoreKit API with Andy Boedo
Sep 20, 2021Leo chats with Andy Boedo of RevenueCat about the current changes coming to StoreKit 2 as well as the how court decisions will change the way developers interact with the App Store and deal with In-App Purchases. -
Learning From Your App Store Competitors with Ariel Mitcheli
Sep 13, 2021In this episode, Leo is joined by returning guest Ariel Mitcheli from AppFigures to talk about what's new in App Store Optimization this year as well as how we can learn from our competitors when trying to get our app found on the App Store. -
How to Learn New APIs with Stewart Lynch - Part 2
Aug 31, 2021In the second part of this interview, Leo and Stewart talk about re-learning stuff, iOS 15 challenges, finding the content for you, WWDC videos, and whether you should spend money on courses. -
How to Learn New APIs with Stewart Lynch - Part 1
Aug 19, 2021In this episode, Leo chats with Youtuber and Educator Stewart Lynch about his journey learning and teaching Swift and what's he sees are the best ways to learn a new API. -
100th Episode Spectacular
Aug 3, 2021What is an "EmpowerApps"? Where did come from? Where is it going? How do you pronounce "knowledgable"? Check this episode out! -
Practical Entrepreneur with Donny Wals
Jul 24, 2021In this episode, Leo and guest Donny Wals talk about their experience going on their own and starting their own businesses. -
Async, Await, and Combine with Marin Todorov
Jul 16, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Marin Todorov about all the new updates with Async/Await, AsyncSequence, AsyncStream as well as Combine. We also talk about a certain project Marin worked on at Apple. -
Day One App Ideas with Mikaela Caron
Jul 9, 2021In this episode, Leo chats with Mikaela Caron about their favorite app ideas for day one release of iOS 15 as well as how Mikaela went from manufacturing engineering to a profession iOS developer. -
Localization with Zach Brass
Jul 1, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Zach Brass about localization, internationalization and making sure your app reaches a global audience. We also talk about all the new additions to localization from WWDC 2021 like AttributedString. -
Swift Playgrounds with Steve Lipton
Jun 24, 2021In this episode, Leo is joined once again by Steve Lipton of LinkedIn Learning and MakeAppPie about the future of Swift Playgrounds. -
iPad Development with Adam Shaw
Jun 19, 2021'In this episode, Leo is joined by Adam Shaw, developer at Bonobo Labs and Moleskine Studio. We talk about iPadOS 15 and developing apps for the iPad in -
Test-Driven Development in Swift with Gio Lodi
Jun 14, 2021In this episode, Leo is joined by Gio Lodi, author of Test-Driven Development in Swift with SwiftUI and Combine. We talk about how to do TDD with Swift but also SwiftUI and Combine as well as the new features revealed at WWDC 2021 like Async/Await, Xcode Cloud, expected failures, and test repetitions. -
WWDC 2021 - Platforms State of the Union with Peter Witham
Jun 8, 2021In this episode, Leo is joined by Peter Witham to discuss the Platforms State of the Union: Xcode Cloud, Async/Await & Actors, Building Apps on the iPad, Focus & DND, ScreenTime API, Shareplay API and more... -
Fastlane with Josh Holtz
May 24, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with John Holtz, lead maintainer of Fastlane. They talk about integrating Fastlane, advanced features in Fastlane, and what devs should know about it. -
AWS and SOTO with Adam Fowler
May 14, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Adam Fowler the lead developer of SOTO, the leading Swift library for Amazon Web Services on the Server. We talk about using SOTO for S3, DynamoDB, as well as Cognito. We also discuss the power of AWS Lambdas and Adam's new project Hummingbird. -
Cryptography with Marcin Krzyżanowski
May 4, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Marcin Krzyżanowski creator of CryptoSwift, Swift Studio and the Online Swift Playground about Cryptography and WWDC 2021. -
Conferences with John Wilker
Apr 24, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with John Wilker organizer of 360 Conferences including 360iDev. We talk about organizing conferences amidst the pandemic and transitioning back to in-person conferences. We also give our take on the upcoming WWDC 2021. -
Core Data Fun with Tim Mitra
Apr 14, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Tim Mitra about his latest project using Core Data, CloudKit and SwiftUI. We also chat about podcasting and more. -
Third-Party APIs with Christian Selig
Apr 4, 2021In this episode, Leo chats with Christian Selig creator of Apollo about his process and the challenges with developing an app based around a third-party API like Reddit... also we talk about 🥫 spaghetti sauce🍝 and new Coke🥤 -
AWS Amplify with Kilo Loco
Mar 28, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Kyle Lee otherwise known as Kilo Loco about AWS Amplify and how it helps iOS developers setup their full-stack application. -
Automation Fun with Jared Sorge
Mar 21, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Jared Sorge of Xcoders about how they automate some of the components of their Xcode build and the tools they use. -
Interviewing Tips with Kim Arnett
Mar 13, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Kim Arnett about her interviewing and hiring experiences and what she's learned to improve the process for the candidate and the company as well. -
Game Development with Tammy Coron
Mar 7, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Tammy Coron of Just Write Code about her new book Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies. We cover SpriteKit, SceneKit, Unity as well how Tammy stays organized with all her game dev, writing, and public speaking projects. -
Awaiting for Async with Vincent Pradeilles
Feb 26, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Vincent Pradeilles about the new async and await features coming to Swift. Leo and Vincent get into the challenges adopting it and the design around as well as how it helps to help with building multi-threaded asynchronous applications. -
A Tour of Software Testing with Christina Moulton
Feb 19, 2021Unit testing, integration testing, smoke testing... What does it all mean and how does it all work together? In this episode, Leo talks with Christina Moulton about the different types of testing, how they work, what you should prioritize and to integrate it with your teams and your iOS development processes. -
Large Scale Teams with Joe Fabisevich
Feb 12, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Joe Fabisevich, iOS developer on Twitter's Health Client team. We talk about how to optimize communication and code on a large product with a large teams. -
Apple Silicon Review with Gui Rambo
Jan 24, 2021In this episode, Leo is joined by Gui Rambo to talk about their new M1 Macs and how it's changed the way they've developed as well as what they look forward to in 2021. -
Swift Package Index with Sven A. Schmidt
Jan 16, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Sven A. Schmidt, co-creator of the Swift Package Index. We talk about the challenges of supporting thousands of Swift Packages, dealing with metrics and site ops with Vapor, running CI for the site and the plethora of Swift packages as well as Apple Silicon support. -
Scaling and Security with Jeroen Leenarts
Jan 8, 2021In this episode, Leo talks with Jeroen Leenarts of the AppForce1 podcast about he's learned this year being a lead developer and how he thinks teams can improve the scalability and security of their apps. He also talks about his year running a Cocoaheads meetup and starting podcast with all challenges of 2020. -
Year of the Server with Tim Condon - Part 2
Dec 29, 2020In this second part of our interview with Tim Condon, we follow up on Async/Await and Vapor 5, Amazon and server-side Swift, hosting, frameworks, development, and what we look forward to in 2021. -
Year of the Server with Tim Condon - Part 1
Dec 23, 2020In the first part of this two-part series of episodes, Leo talks with Tim Condon of Broken Hands, Swift Server Work Group member, and Vapor maintainer. We talk about the Swift Server Work Group, SwiftNIO, Server-Side Swift's growth in 2020 and Swift on Server-Side ARM. -
Multi-Platform SwiftUI with Malin Sundberg
Dec 16, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Malin Sundberg about her experience building Orbit across a variety of Apple platforms using SwiftUI and what lessons she came away with. -
Functional Programming with Daniel Steinberg
Dec 11, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Daniel Steinberg about functional programming, how to use it in Swift, why it's important for SwiftUI and Combine, and how to stay organized. -
App Dev Stack with Jordan Morgan
Nov 25, 2020Leo is joined by Jordan Morgan of Spend Stack and Buffer. In this episode, they discuss the new changes to the App Store Revenue cut, their 2020 purchases, how to setup Leo's new M1 Mac Book Air, as well as working remotely with little ones at home in 2020. -
Maintaining & Migrating with Antoine van der Lee - Part 2
Nov 19, 2020In this second part of our interview with Antoine van der Lee, we talk about how to upgrade older apps piecemeal, supporting older OSes, as well as bug tracking and logging. Antoine also gets a sneak peak at Leo's talk at NSSpain. -
Maintaining & Migrating with Antoine van der Lee - Part 1
Nov 14, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Antoine van der Lee of WeTransfer and SwiftLee about maintaining and migrating messy and old projects - how to refactor them, avoiding third party libraries, implementing a style guide, and more. \nLeo also gives some quick thoughts on this week Mac event with the M1 and let you know the latest in my conference appearances. -
App Store Review Guidelines with Paweł Madej
Nov 7, 2020'In this episode, Leo chats with Paweł Madej, pharmacist turned iOS developer on his learning experience and what pitfalls devs should know about App Store reviews. We talk about what he learned during the submission process of his app CodeConf, -
Documenting Your Code with Bas Broek
Oct 24, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Bas Broek of Contravariance about documentation, how to present it, what tools are out there and more... oh yeah something about the iPhone 12 too -
UI Design for Developers with Heidi Helen Pilypas
Oct 17, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Heidi Helen Pilypas about UI Design. We talk communication for developers, iOS 14 updates, Widgets, and SwiftUI. -
Understanding Git with Ben Chatelain
Oct 10, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Ben Chatelain about Git. They chat about branching strategies, merging strategies, Xcode headaches, and... using emojis in your commit messages!😱🥳👏 -
A Very Remote Year with Jacob Gorban
Oct 3, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Jacob Gorban about being remote and what they've learning over the years being remote such as communication, keeping teams productive, managing iOS development and more. -
Apple Watch 2020 with Steve Lipton
Sep 18, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Steve Lipton about the Apple Watch. We go into detail on the September Apple Event, watchOS 7, iOS 14 release, Apple Watch Series 6, and more. -
Local Database Storage on iOS with Aaron Douglas
Sep 5, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Aaron Douglas from Automattic and Ray Wenderlich author on local database storage on iOS. Why you should do it? What the difference between SQLite and Core Data? ... and more -
Machine Learning and Core ML with Jameson Toole
Aug 22, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Jameson Toole Co-founder / CTO of FritzAI about CoreML and Machine Learning. We talk about the process of introducing ML into your app, the different capabilities of CoreML, as well as the updates which have come out of WWDC 2020. -
The Future of Mac Development with Lucas Derraugh - Part 2
Aug 12, 2020In this two-part episode, Leo talks with Lucas Derraugh about the future of macOS development. In this second part, we talk about distributing mac apps, Apple Silicon, and the UI changes with Big Sur. -
The Future of Mac Development with Lucas Derraugh - Part 1
Aug 7, 2020In this two-part episode, Leo talks with Lucas Derraugh about the future of macOS development. In this first part, we talk about why should iOS developers get into Mac development, the difference in iPad vs Mac app markets, SwiftUI vs AppKit, as well as Native vs Electron. -
Big Bad Bluetooth with Leah Vogel
Jul 31, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Leah Vogel, Mobile Team Lead and iOS the origins, the terminology, the Core Bluetooth API and more. -
SwiftUI with Majid Jabrayilov - Part 2
Jul 17, 2020In this two part interview, Leo talks with Majid Jabrayilov about SwiftUI one year after its release. In this second part, we talk about the new property wrappers like @StateObject, animations improvements, how to maintain and test your SwiftUI App, as well as migrating your older apps over. -
SwiftUI with Majid Jabrayilov - Part 1
Jul 12, 2020In this two part interview, Leo talks with Majid Jabrayilov about SwiftUI one year after its release. In this first part, we talk about whether it is production ready, all the new updates from WWDC 2020, challenges implmenting SwiftUI, as well as well it works on all platforms. -
WWDC 2020 and Xcode 12 with Vadim Shpakovski - Part 2
Jul 6, 2020In this two-part episode Leo talks with Vadim Shpakovski, author of NativeConnect, about WWDC 2020. In this second part, they cover the updates to the Mac, Xcode 12, and Swift 5.3. In the first part, they went over their overall thoughts on this year's format and the updates to iOS 14, watchOS 7, and iPadOS 14. -
WWDC 2020 and Xcode 12 with Vadim Shpakovski - Part 1
Jul 1, 2020In this two-part episode Leo talks with Vadim Shpakovski, author of NativeConnect, about WWDC 2020. In the first part, they go over their overall thoughts on this year's format and the updates to iOS 14, watchOS 7, and iPadOS 14. In the next episode, they will cover the updates to the Mac, Xcode 12, and Swift 5.3. -
WWDC 2020 - Quick Thoughts
Jun 22, 2020In this episode, Leo goes all the big developments revealed on the first day include iOS 14, iPadOS 14, watchOS 7, macOS 11 Big Sur, and what people need to know about the new Apple Silicon. -
Haikus of Code with Erica Sadun - Part 2
Jun 16, 2020In the second part of our interview with Erica Sadun, Leo gets more in-depth on the Swift Argument Parser, how we are using it, setup and parsing complexities, and more. -
Haikus of Code with Erica Sadun - Part 1
Jun 8, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Erica Sadun about the Swift Argument Parser, Graphics Support in Xcode, being a Mac user in general, and more. This is the first part of our discussion and will continue in the next episode. -
50th Episode Extravaganza
Jun 2, 2020In the 50th episode, Leo covers what he's been working on and interested in, answers a question from the audience, talks the audience favorite big topics, and then talks about the future of the podcast. -
Vapor 4 with Tibor Bödecs
May 20, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Tibor Bödecs about Vapor 4 and his new book Practical Server-Side Swift. We talk about why someone may choose Vapor and the updates made in Vapor 4 from the Database Models and OS Support. -
Alternative Backends with Kristaps Grinbergs
May 7, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Kristaps Grinbergs about alternative backends like GraphQL and WebSockets as well as their upcoming talks at UIKonf. -
Practical Combine with Donny Wals
Apr 27, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Donny Wals about his new book Practical Combine and how Combine fits with older apps as well as his work at Disney and his process for writing his book. -
Developer Community (Part 2) with Dave Verwer
Apr 21, 2020In this second part episode with Dave Verwer, Leo talks with Dave about Swift Packages, SwiftPM Library (swiftpm.co), and how Dave uses open-source data and pull request for contributing. In the previous episode, we talked about the iOS Developer Survey and iOS Developer Community overall. -
Developer Community (Part 1) with Dave Verwer
Apr 16, 2020In this first part episode Dave Verwer, Leo talks with Dave about the iOS Developer Survey and iOS Developer Community overall. In the next part, we'll be talking about Swift Packages as well as the SwiftPM Library (swiftpm.co). -
WWDC Spectacular (Part 2) with Peter Witham
Apr 8, 2020In the second part of this two part episode, Leo talks again with Peter Witham about the new Apple hardware releases and specifically the new iPad Pro. In the first part we talked about WWDC 2020 and remote work in general. -
WWDC Spectacular (Part 1) with Peter Witham
Apr 3, 2020In the first part of this two part episode, Leo talks again with Peter Witham about WWDC 2020, whether it will happen, how a remote WWDC would work, remote work in general. In the next episode we'll be following up on the March Apple hardware updates. -
Patterns and Practices for Scalable Apps
Mar 30, 2020In this episode, Leo discusses some patterns and practices for keeping your app scalable and easily maintained. -
Notifications with Kaya Thomas
Mar 22, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Kaya Thomas about how to use notifications in your app and why they are important. -
Handling Errors Correctly with Jeff Kelley
Mar 15, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Jeff Kelley from Detroit Labs about handing, tracking and test errors and when they can happen. -
Managing Code Quality with Anne Cahalan
Mar 1, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Anne Cahalan about maintaining good code quality, helping your team, automation, and good code reviews. -
Accessibility with Kim Arnett
Feb 23, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Kim Arnett of Expedia, about the importance of accessibility and how to make it part of your team's development process. -
Machine Learning with Kevin Scott
Feb 9, 2020In this episode, Leo talks with Kevin Scott, Machine Learning expert about how to get started with Machine Learning and what are some applications for machine learning. -
Upgrading Your Skills in 2020 with Paul Hudson
Feb 2, 2020In this episode, Leo is joined by Paul Hudson of hackingwithswift.com about how to upgrade your skills and your team's skills in 2020. -
SwiftUI - The Good, the Bad, and the Benefits
Jan 19, 2020In this episode, Leo talks about what he's learned using SwiftUI, where he sees it's the right fit, where it's not quite ready, and some solutions to common problems people have with it. -
Server-Side Swift with Tim Condon
Jan 12, 2020'In this episode, Leo talks with Tim Condon about Server-Side Swift and -
2020 Developer Wish List with Alex Bush
Jan 6, 2020In this episode, Leo is joined by Alex Bush of Inside iOS Dev podcast to talk about their developer wish list for 2020. -
Training Your Team with Steve Lipton
Dec 22, 2019In this episode, Leo talks with Steve Lipton of MakeAppPie about how to maintain your staff's skill level when it comes to iOS Development and Swift. -
Future Proofing Your Apps with Gui Rambo
Dec 15, 2019In this episode, Leo Dion talks with Gui Rambo about how current apps could be built while taking into account possible future hardware from Apple. They also talk about apps for developers such as Gui's WWDC App, Apple's Developer App and CocoaHub. -
Quickie: Swift UI and 2020 Trends
Dec 1, 2019In this quick video, Leo goes over his thoughts on 2020 and what the future holds for SwiftUI. -
Managing iOS Development with Peter Witham
Nov 24, 2019In this episode, Leo talks with Peter Witham of the CompileSwift podcast about managing iOS development teams and dealing with new technologies. -
Apple Hardware 2019 with Paul J Schmidt
Nov 17, 2019In this episode we talk with Paul J Schmidt of Uno Deuce Multimedia about the iPhone 11 and the Mac lineup and how it affects his business and others especially in the area of multimedia production. -
Media Outreach with Jeff Gamet
Nov 3, 2019In this episode we talk with Jeff Gamet from Smile about how to get how to get your message to media, bloggers, and podcasters about your app. -
App Store Optimization with Ariel Michaeli
Oct 27, 2019In this episode we talk with Ariel Michaeli of App Figures about integrating App Store Optimization with the marketing and development process of building an app. -
Hiring an iOS Developer with John Knox
Oct 20, 2019In this episode we talk with John Knox about Business of Software conference, hiring an iOS developer, and getting hired as an iOS developer. -
Continuous Integration with Kyle Newsome
Oct 13, 2019In this episode we talk with Kyle Newsome about continuous integration with iOS and other Apple platforms development. -
Modularizing in Xcode with Abbey Jackson
Sep 29, 2019In this episode we talk with Abbey Jackson about how to improve testing and reliability with modularizing your iOS applications in Xcode. -
September 2019 Event
Sep 15, 2019'In this special episode, Leo talks briefly about the September event -
Developing for Multiple Platforms with Manton Reece
Sep 7, 2019In this episode we talk with Manton Reece about his experience developing micro.blog for multiple Apple platforms as well as building his audience, monetization, other aspects of building an app. -
WWDC 2019 - Mac Development with Daniel Jalkut
Aug 24, 2019In this episode we talk with Daniel Jalkut of Red Sweater Software about what's new in Mac Development post-WWDC 2019. -
WWDC 2019 - SwiftUI with Jason Anderson
Aug 10, 2019In this episode we talk with Jason Anderson about Swift UI and reactive Swift post-WWDC 2019. -
WWDC 2019 - Apple Watch with Gary Sabo
Jul 28, 2019In this episode we talk with Gary Sabo about the Apple Watch post-WWDC 2019. We talk about Independent Watch Apps,\tSwift UI and watchOS 6,\tHealthKit, Fitness apps and more. -
Subcontracting with Joe Cieplinski
Jul 14, 2019In this episode we talk with Joe Cieplinski of Breakpoint Studio and Release Notes about the challenges and benefits companies and freelancers face in a subcontracting relationship. -
Cross Platform Comparison with Rob Kerr
Jun 30, 2019In this episode we talk with Rob Kerr (@rekerrsive), mobile development consultant, about cross platform developer tools such as Ionic, React Native, Xamarin, Flutter, and others. We compare them with native Swift development and talk about how Swift UI might change that landscape. -
Test-Driven Development with Joshua Greene and Michael Katz
Jun 16, 2019In this episode we talk with Joshua Greene and Michael Katz, authors of iOS Test Driven Development by Tutorials. -
iOS App Architecture with René Cacheaux and Josh Berlin
Jun 2, 2019'In this episode, we talk with René Cacheaux and Josh Berlin, authors -
Apple and Video with Paul J Schmidt
May 19, 2019"In this episode, we talk with Paul J Schmidt, Creative Video Strategist -
iOS Developer Interviews with Alex Bush
May 5, 2019In this episode we talk with Alex Bush (@alex_v_bush), Author of @iosinterviewgd and co-host of @insideiosdev. Alex talks about the process of interviewing potential iOS developers, what are some questions employers should ask, and what makes an iOS developer different from other developer positions. -
External Developers with Jaim Zuber
Apr 20, 2019In this episode, we talk with Jaim Zuber of Sharp Five Software of what companies should know when hiring an outside contract developer. -
Business and IT Applications
Mar 9, 2019In this episode, Leo goes over some of the apps for the Mac, iPad, and iPhone which are used to create, organize or manage for businesses. These include apps for creating video and audio work, managing your social media on the go, dealing with accounting and financials, scheduling meetings and managing communication. -
iPad Apps for Businesses and Pros
Feb 24, 2019With the possibility of new iPad apps out in March, Leo talks about the status of business and professional apps on the iPad. How has it expanded? What are its limitation both in development and monetization? What are some ways to deliver professional and business applications for the iPad? -
Cloud and Backend Services For Apps with Erik Gillespie
Feb 10, 2019'In this episode, Leo talks different backend technologies to use when -
Apple 2019
Jan 26, 2019'In this episode, Leo talks about the current state of Apple in 2019 -
Project Estimation
Jan 8, 2019'In this episode, Leo and Theresa talk about how the process of going -
Apple Watch Series 4
Sep 28, 2018In this episode, Leo and Theresa talk about the new Apple Watch Series 4. How useful are the new health features? What complications will be useful on the new display? How should apps be updated on the new watch? What kind of industries should think about having an app on the watch? What's the future of other smart watches? -
iPhone Xs vs iPhone Xs Max vs iPhone Xr
Sep 26, 2018In this episode, Leo and Theresa talk about the new iPhones for 2018: the iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone Xr. Whether it''s worth getting the Xs? Is the Xs Max too big or just right? How does the Xr fit in the market? How can developers utilize these new phones? What updates should be coming to apps in machine learning, photography, and screen layout? -
Low-Cost Macs - MacBook Air & Mac Mini
Sep 10, 2018There are rumors this year of new Mac Minis and a budget MacBook (i.e. MacBook Air replacement). What do people use Mac Minis for? What could be the reasoning behind Apple making new models? What is the use case for a new budget MacBook? How will new budget MacBooks compete with iPads? -
September 12th Apple Event - iPhone and Apple Watch 2018
Sep 4, 2018In this episode, Leo and Theresa discuss what the Apple September event might be about based on the current rumors. \n- Why are people so interested in larger phones? \n- Is this the first Apple event with no new Home Button iPhones? \n- How does a more affordable large phone compete with Android? \n- How is Apple giving us more display and less bezel on the iPhone, iPad, and the Apple Watch? -
WWDC 2018 - What Does It Mean For Businesses?
Aug 14, 2018In this episode, we talk about WWDC 2018 and what it means for the technology industry and businesses. We talk iOS 12, Mojave, and dessert.