Latest Developer Tutorials

  1. Being Sendable with SwiftData

    How do you use non-Sendable PersistentModel objects in SwiftData? This is where PersistentIdentifier comes in.
  2. Swift 6 Incomplete Migration Guide for Dummies

    Discover the first steps for migrating to Swift 6, focusing on concurrency safety. Learn how to handle mutable properties, use `nonisolated`, and make UI components `@MainActor` for a seamless transition.
  3. Using ModelActor in SwiftData

    How to adopt SwiftData using ModelActor instead of MainActor in your SwiftUI application with Environment values for seamless and efficient user experience.
  4. Getting Started with Swift OpenAPI Generator

    Here's how to get started with the Swift OpenAPI Generator
  5. Connecting Observation with Binding in SwiftUI

    How can you use a WindowGroup with Binding and the new Observation framework in SwiftUI
  6. Migrating Your App From Objective-C to Swift

    In this tutorial video I explain how to slowly migrate your app to Swift in such a way that it takes advantage of Swift without breaking existing functionality.
  7. Package.swift - Getting Started with the SPM Manifest file

    We'll talk about using a package in Xcode, creating a package in Xcode or with the swift command as well as how the manifest Package.swift works.
  8. Swift Packages - Dependency Management of the Future

    Package Management has been around for decades. However since the introduction of Swift, the Apple team has given us a new package manager.
  9. Combine & CoreLocation, Part 3 - Integrations with flatMap

    Most of the older APIs from Apple use the Delegation Pattern. The challenge is adapting this pattern for SwiftUI through Combine.
  10. Combine & CoreLocation, Part 2 - Receiving & Handling Events

    In our previous post, we talked about how to build a Publisher Factory. Here, we'll talk about how to use the factory for receiving and handling events.
  11. Combine & CoreLocation, Part 1 - Publishers & Delegates

    Many APIs from Apple come from an era of Objective-C and Delegate Patterns. How do we adapt those APIs for SwiftUI and create Publishers from delegates?
  12. Swift on ARM - Supporting ARM in Swift Package CI

    In this article, I'm going to go over how to setup your CI and install Swift in Travis-CI and GitHub Actions for ARM architectures.
  13. flatMap, Double Optionals, and Functional Programming

    It seems there's some confusion when it comes to flatMap and Optionals. In the end, using flatMap correctly will make your code easier to read.
  14. Swift Package Continuous Integration Guide

    Swift Packages offer an easy manageable way to share code and functionality. We are going to show you how to setup Swift package continuous integration.
  15. Asynchronous Multi-Threaded Parallel World of Swift

    From the Mac Pro to the Apple Watch developers need to design thier applications to best take advantage of multiple cores in Swift using asynchronous methods.
  16. Independent Watch App and HealthKit

    In the development of my latest app which is an Independent Watch App and uses HealthKit, I ran into an issue with App Store Connect.
  17. Get Started Developing Server Side Swift with Vapor

  18. Mac for Developers - Which One To Learn Swift in 2019?

    With learning Swift and iOS development, it can be a challenge to find the right Mac for developers. Here are some guidelines depending on experience and budget.
  19. Vapor - Deep Dive Guide into Setup and Deployment for Heroku and Ubuntu

    Vapor is a really great choice and fairly easy to work with. In this article I am going to cover how to get started and deployed to the web.
  20. Vapor - Swift Choice For the Back End

    For Swift developers, Vapor has become an increasingly apt choice for a mobile backend. I decided to deep dive into Vapor and see if it is a viable choice.
  21. Codable - 4 Ways to Improve How You Decode JSON

    Codable, introduced in Swift 4, provides a convenient and easy way to encode and decode JSON. However not everything works out of the box.
  22. Integrating ​​​C++ Libraries with Swift - How Speculid Is Built

    Previously, I discussed using Objective-C to integrate C++ with Swift in Speculid. Today, I'm going to talk about the challenges of using C++.
  23. Swift 5.0 and XCode 10.1 - Using a Custom Toolchain

    You can try the features of Swift 5.0 using the development branch toolchain now. However with Xcode 10.1, it takes a bit of tweaking to get it to work.
  24. Freelancing - How to Prepare and Get Started

    Last week I spoke at the LaDev in Ann Arbor on what it takes to go out on your own as a freelancing software developer and entrepreneur.
  25. Swift Development Tips - Speculid & Try!Swift NYC 2018

    On October 11, I spoke at Ann Arbor Cocoaheads at ArborMoon and gave some swift development tips. Specifically developing Speculid and Try!Swift New York.
  26. Objective-C and Swift - Being Friendly

    Objective-C is still necessary for Swift development. With the introduction of C++ libraries in version 2.0 of Speculid, Objective-C became necessary.
  27. Asset Catalogs, Image Sets, and App Icons

    In Xcode, Asset Catalogs are an important part of that process and the primary way they are used is through Image Sets and App Icons.
  28. App Icon Templates - Building Graphics For Xcode

    Asset Catalogs are the key component in Xcode. Today we are going to talk about using app icon templates in Sketch and Photoshop.
  29. Speaking at A2 Cocoaheads on Speculid and Try!Swift

    Next Thursday on October 11, I'll be speaking at the Ann Arbor Cocoaheads at ArborMoon on developing Speculid as well as Try!Swift New York.
  30. Swift Thoughts on try!Swift NYC 2018

    I had a great time at try!Swift New York this year and there were some interesting trends in Swift programming with the topics presented this year.
  31. MicroConf and building an app for the Apple Watch on iPhreaks

    Leo Dion from BrightDigit was recently a guest on the podcast iPhreaks discussing MicroConf, customer discovery, info products, meetups, and building an exercise app for the Apple Watch.
  32. HealthKit Workout Session with HKLiveWorkoutBuilder

    HKLiveWorkoutBuilder simplifies the way we track health data during workouts. Let's begin a workout and track the user's heart rate.
  33. HealthKit – Apple Watch – Data and Authorization

    The Apple Watch has become the premier device for health monitoring. So now that authorization is setup on the iPhone, let's take a look at how get authorization setup on the Apple Watch.
  34. WWDC 2018 - Swift 4.2 and "Random" Changes

    With WWDC 2018, Swift 4.2 has introduced new ways to generate random values and access random values from a collection. Included with Xcode 10, there is access to generating random numbers of various types and accessing items from collections.
  35. HealthKit - Getting Started - HKObjectType and Authorization

    HealthKit is the most important API when it comes to building health, fitness and workout apps. HealthKit also has many intricacies and details which need introduction when getting started such as HKObjectType and HKHealthStore.
  36. Understanding Optionals in Swift

    Optionals are a fairly unique concept in Swift. While Objective-C used pointers, Swift has an inherent syntax for optionals…
  37. ScriptingBridge - Communicating with Swift  and AppleScript

    You may want to build an app in Xcode with the power of AppleScript and without the need for scripts - particularly using Swift with ScriptingBridge.