- Episode #67
- Oct 24, 2020
- 42m
- 42m
Documenting Your Code with Bas Broek

Documenting Your Code with Bas Broek

Bas Broek
- GitHub @BasThomas
- Twitter @basthomas
- Contravariance - a Podcast by Bas Broek and Benedikt Terhechte
- Goodbye Swift Weekly by Bas Broek
- Swift Weekly maintained by Kristaps Grinbergs
YouTube Video - https://youtu.be/4T25oqyXBLw
Related Episodes
- Episode 48 - Alternative Backends with Kristaps Grinbergs
- Contravariance Episode 313 - Bas leaves XING
- Contravariance Episode 314 - iPhone 12 & Apple Silicon
Related Links
- Writing better APIs - Bas Broek - Do iOS 2018
- Jazzy by Realm
- SourceDocs by Eneko Alonso
- Dash by Kapeli
- Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
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I will be speaking at NSSpain 2020...
Nov 17 - 20, 2020
- One of the most known conferences about Apple platforms development is going remote this year!
- NSSpain 2020 is an online, continuous 36 hours conference, carefully crafted by the community for the community.
- Guests of the show Paul Hudson and Donny Wals will be speaking as well as others
Go to NSSpain.com and use promo code empowerapps to get 10% off
Also speaking at...
Apple Event Stuff
- iPhone 12 Upgrades
- Apple Watch Series 6
- HomePod mini
Documentation Challenges
- What are some challenges with documentation?
- How to keep documentation updated
- How to make documentation innovative and clear
- Building documentation for open-source projects
- Ways to consume documentation
- Avoiding jargon in your documentation
- How to be thorough
Documentation Process and Tooling
- Automating documentation via CI
- Keeping tests, docs, and code in sync
- Jazzy vs SourceDocs
- Testing Your documentation
Social Media
GitHub - @brightdigit
BrightDigit - @brightdigit
Leo - @leogdion
Instagram - @brightdigit
Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Blippy Trance" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)