Connecting Observation with Binding in SwiftUI

When I was building Bushel, I ran into an issue where the @Binding object passed to a view would change as the app loaded. This made it difficult to maintain a @Binding object and use the new Observation framework. However I did find a pattern which allowed me to use a @Binding object while keeping the complex functionality needed for an @Observed object.

Dynamic @Binding

Whenever Bushel would open a new Window of a view it would pass an argument with a @Binding value. This is part of the API for a WindowGroup:

init<D, C>(
    for type: D.Type,
    @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (Binding<D?>) -> C
) where Content == PresentedWindowContent<D, C>, D : Decodable, D : Encodable, D : Hashable, C : View

Notice the the D data must implement Codable as well as Hashable which in most cases should be a simple comparable struct. In our view though we'd like to use the new @Observable macro which requires a class.

Therefore we'll need to use the @Binding value to setup the @Observable object. That is until @Binding properties change. When would that be? In most case when the app is re-opened:

  1. Open Window with nil @Binding object.
  2. App loads pervious View State with actual Input data.
  3. @Binding value changes with new data.

This means:

When Binding Changes

For instance, here's an example of a WindowGroup which takes in a @Binding struct of an InputObject.

struct InputObject : Codable, Hashable {
  let text : String

struct MyApp: App {
  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup(for: InputObject.self) { input in
      ContentView(input: input)

I can use the @Binding InputObject directly in my SwiftUI View. However, in order to use the Observation framework I need a class object property in my SwiftUI View.

Updating Observed Object

Here is the SwiftUI view we are using:

struct ContentView: View {
  @Binding var input : InputObject?
  @State var object = OutputObject()
  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      Image(systemName: object.systemName)

For my @Observable object called OutputObject it will contain all the information needed to render the view. In this case it contains the String message and the SF Symbol system name.

class OutputObject {
  enum SymbolSystemName : String {
    case newItem = ""
    case existingItem = "hand.thumbsup.fill"
  var newInputText = ""
  var message : String
  var symbolSystemName : SymbolSystemName = .newItem
  var systemName : String {
    return self.symbolSystemName.rawValue

The next step is to add a way to let the @Observable object know of the InputObject passed top the view. While in the past, I’d use Combine in this case I will use the SwiftUI view as the mediator to let the @Observable object know. Firstly let’s add the InputObject as a property and have it update our properties when it changes:

class OutputObject {
  var input : InputObject? {
    didSet {
      self.message = self.input?.text ?? Self.newItemMessage
      self.symbolSystemName = self.input == nil ? .newItem : .existingItem

Next we’ll use the modifier onChange to send any changes in InputObject to the OutputObject:

struct ContentView: View {
  @Binding var input : InputObject?
  @State var object = OutputObject()
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
          Image(systemName: object.systemName)
        .onChange(of: self.input, initial: true) { oldValue, newValue in
          self.object.input = newValue

Now the @Observable object will be updated accordingly when the WindowGroup updates the InputObject inside the @Binding.

Keeping things in Sync

It's important to keep the data in sync between what's passed from the WindowGroup and your @Observable object. This is especially important during the reloading of a previously open window after the application re-launches. In these cases, I use the @Observable object as the source of truth for my SwiftUI View. Here some key points to remember:

If you are doing any development using WindowGroup and want to take advantage of the new Observable framework using this pattern will be extremely helpful.