Latest Articles

  1. Control Your Swift Dependencies Before They Control You

    Learn what dependency management is in Swift.
  2. What You Should Know About iOS Software Architecture

    You've started out with an idea to build an iOS app and you need to choose its software architecture. Here is a quick overview of what you need to know.
  3. Bushel of an App - Making Cider from Apples

    How much time should you spend on marketing your app? The answer seems to always be more.
  4. Bushel of an App - Design, Architecture, and Automation

    I am the kind of developer who prefers things in the smallest pieces as possible - small files, small types, small functions, small targets, etc…
  5. Bushel of an App - Building the Crust

    Unfortunately creating my own VM app seemed like a huge undertaking, how would I even get started?
  6. Bushel of an App - From Seed of an Idea

    Unfortunately creating my own VM app seemed like a huge undertaking, how would I even get started?
  7. From Beginner to Pro: The Real Skills You Need, and the Myths about Becoming an iOS Developer

    We answer common questions about what it takes to become a pro iOS developer. How long does it take? How to deeply learn to code, and skills you’ll need to advance your career.
  8. What is Humane Code?

    What is humane code? humane code is a way of developing software that is empathetic and considerate those who will use and maintain your code in the future
  9. watchOS 10 - Your Apple Watch Is About To Grow Up

    watchOS 10 could fundamentally change how we make apps for the Apple Watch, becoming a platform where you can build dedicated apps. Learn more…
  10. What are the benefits of microapps?

    Microapps are a way of organizing your app’s functionality and related services. Break down the functionality you need into small modules, then assemble.
  11. A Swift Developer’s Guide To Getting The Most Out Of WWDC

    This is a roundup of the best tips to get the most out of WWDC, Apple’s annual software conference, for both new and experienced Swift and iOS developers.
  12. What is Mobile System Design?

    Mobile system design is about creating guidelines for considering the specs for an app. This is an intro to MSD and how it can help you deliver better code faster.
  13. How to automate iOS development

    Learn about 5 automation tools you can use right now to automate your iOS development, saving time and make your code more efficient and less repetitive.
  14. Server-Driven UI with iOS - What You Need to Know

    Learn what Server-Driven UI (SDUI) is, it's advantages for app development, when it's not a good choice, and important things to know to if want to deply to iOS with it.
  15. How to hire iOS developers - Hire developers who can learn

    A guide to how you can reliably hire good iOS developers – Learn things that might undermine your interviewing process, and what to do instead.
  16. Choosing the Best Backend for your iOS App

    There are many options for backend services for your iOS app? Which one is best for your app? Learn which is the right choice for your needs.
  17. Help Your Swift Team Learn: New APIs

    How do you help you or your team learn new APIs and stay ahead in Swift app development? Here are some tips to manage learning and reach your business goals.
  18. App Localization: How to bring your iOS app to the world

    iOS app localization is one of the most important to get right the first time. Learn how to send your app out into the world, how to succeed with localization.
  19. What you need to know before you enable in-app purchases in your Swift app

    Learn about Apple’s in app purchases and how to best monetize your Swift app. Know purchase types are right for your app and how to market and test them.
  20. Outgrowing your app: how to scale iOS app development

    This guide is for you if you’re looking to scale iOS app development smoothly. It is designed to help those with a large team and a lot of legacy code.
  21. 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Your iOS App UI

    Learn four mistakes to avoid when designing your iOS App's UI so you can deliver a great experience to your users while keeping it easy to maintain.
  22. 4 Little-Known Tips For Getting Your App Through Apple's Store Review

    Building an iOS app is a complex process. One of the last things you have to do is pass an App Store Review. Here are 4 tips for success...
  23. Upgrading Old Apps: The Dirty Job of iOS Development

    This is an introductory guide to upgrading old iOS apps, including where to start, what refactoring strategy to use, and other useful tips.
  24. Working Remotely: Best Practices for Distributed iOS development

    Working remotely on iOS development can be very successful. To make it a powerful tool for building great apps, you should consider these best practices...
  25. You Need A Plan For Swift Error Handling

    Learn the best strategies for how to manage error handling when developing apps in Swift. See examples of processes for common Swift errors
  26. What makes a good iOS team manager?

    Traditional management and iOS development don't work well together. How can we fix this? What I've found is the best iOS team managers share a few traits.
  27. Apple Watch Series 6 unlocks exciting future for developers

    Apple Watch Series 6 with WatchOS 7 presents exciting opportunities for Apple app developers and their customers with the power of watch face complications.
  28. Chips, Clips & Widgets – Big changes from Virtual WWDC 2020

    Apple announced at a virtual WWDC 2020 lot of things that have the potential to really shift the way we create software. Here's what you need to know...
  29. Why 2020 will be amazing for the Apple Watch

    2020 is the year the Apple Watch will come into its own, moving from being a curiosity and a status object to a useful device for everyone.
  30. iOS Continuous Integration: How To Avoid Merge Hell

    Continuous integration is the practice where small code changes are tested to ensure nothing breaks. Learn how it makes deploying your iOS app easy!
  31. SwiftUI: Everything is possible if you think like Apple

    SwiftUI promieses to change the way we do Apple-based app development. Learn about what makes SwiftUI great and how your app can benefit.
  32. How to avoid iOS app failure with Test-Driven Development

    Test-Driven Development or TDD is a way to ensure code is of good quality and will do its job. A guide to understanding and using TDD to make better apps
  33. 4 Things To Keep Your Eye on for Apple in 2020

    Apple held a Special Event to announce the iPhone 11 and other products. The event told us a lot about their direction for 2020.
  34. Native App Development and Its Advantages

    For a more optimal user experience and easier maintenance, there are important reasons to consider native app development.
  35. How to Set a Realistic Project Budget for Your iOS App

    Our guide to setting a project budget for building a mobile app for iOS, including time and costs of different parts of app development  | Bright Digit LLC
  36. Podcasting – Getting Started – Whys and Hows

  37. What Mac should a Swift developer buy?

    'For those learning Swift, it can be a challenge to choose the right
  38. Learn How To Build An App on June 1st

  39. Vapor – Swift Choice For the Back End

  40. Freelancing - How to Prepare and Get Started

    Last week I spoke at the LaDev in Ann Arbor on what it takes to go out on your own as a freelancing software developer and entrepreneur.
  41. What Does The New Apple Watch Mean 4 Your Business?

    The new Apple Watch 4 brings new health functionality and updated hardware. Does this make it time for your business to publish a watch app?
  42. Machine Learning Business Applications with Kevin Scott

    Apple revealed updates specially for Machine Learning. We talk with Kevin Scott about learning more and investing in this field
  43. Apple September Event - iPhone and Apple Watch

    What new goodies await us at the 2018 Apple September Event? Dig in to the rumored iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, and laptop releases with Bright Digit.
  44. 5 Things to Know About macOS Mojave for Developers

    With all the new features in the Mojave MacOS update for developers, Apple has given us a roadmap for the first time.
  45. Businesses and WWDC 2018 - Top 4 Changes to Know

    This wasn't the "flashiest" year for the WWDC but some important changes came up for businesses to know about. It appears that Apple is taking these concerns over the year seriously and is doing some house cleaning. These behind the scenes concepts might not grab the headlines but they make a big difference for users.
  46. MicroConf and building an app for the Apple Watch on iPhreaks

    Leo Dion was a guest on the iPhreaks podcast, discussing MicroConf and building an exercise app for the Apple Watch.
  47. Do I Need a Website?

    Having an updated, easy to navigate website makes a huge difference. It doesn't need to be fancy but it does need to easily present the basic information about your business.
  48. macOS Development for iOS Developers

    There are good reasons to get into Mac development if you are already an iOS developer.
  49. ScriptingBridge with Swift - Communicating with Apps using AppleScript and Swift

  50. Building Icons in Xcode - Introducing Speculid

    We developed Speculid for Mac – Now you can take your vector graphics and raster images and render them to all their correct sizes